Lansing Middle School
Parent Newsletter - September 2024
A Note From Mr. Jenkins
We are a few weeks into the 2024-2025 school year and it is off to a great start! The beginning of the school year always includes information about what to expect during the upcoming school year as well as a strong effort to establish relationships between students and adults. Some highlights of the first few days and how we tried to accomplish these things --
- First Day of School - Wednesday, August 14th --- This was only for new students to the building, which included all 6th grade students and students that are new to LMS in 7th and 8th grade. The main focus for this day was to get students familiar with their schedule, the building, the adults, and to make a connection with other students.
- Thursday, August 15th - Monday, August 19th - We ran a modified schedule so we could include grade level assemblies and an Advisory class period on these days. The topics covered during grade level assemblies included --- information about staff, positives regarding behavior and grades, expectations for respect at LMS (everyone gets treated respectfully), LMS dress code, LMS cell phone policy, counseling availability at LMS, the impact of attendance on success, using study halls advantageously, getting involved at LMS through athletics and clubs, viewing athletics, honesty, anti-bullying, and requirements for grade level reward field trips.
- During Advisory on those days, all staff reviewed the BIST (Behavior Intervention Support Team) model. Students also had a chance to go through role-playing examples with behavior expectations. We also stressed the importance of communication with a lesson on “How to Email Teachers".
Some other noteworthy information regarding initiatives and focal points for the 2024-2025 school year at Lansing Middle School.
- Our academic goals for the upcoming school year include consistent utilization of the GVC and continuing to look closely at our instructional strategies and practices. Although LMS has utilized Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) since 2007, we have renewed our focus in this area. It was a crucial time to renew our attention in this area with new staff and changes to teams. The attention in this area started during professional development in August before students arrived.
- We will also be putting in a dedicated math spiraling time school-wide in hopes of increasing math skills. This is a ten-minute block that we will put on at the end of 1st period where students will practice foundational skills through the IXL program. We were not able to start the year with this in place due to some discussions about the impact on other areas in the building, specifically IEP minutes. However, we have worked out those details and we will have our first day with MSP (Math Skills Practice) building-wide on Wednesday, September 4th.
- Lansing Middle School is implementing PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Rewards this school year. Adults at Lansing Middle School can recognize students based on the PRIDE acronym that has been adopted for positive behaviors at Lansing Middle School (see side graphic). Lansing Middle School has had multiple variations of this over the past several years. This year, the recognition system takes an additional step with the PBIS rewards app that can be utilized by all staff and then integrated with a classroom and school store. The school store will be organized and run by LMS 8th Grade Peer Leadership. Mrs. Jennifer Bishop is the sponsor for Peer Leadership at LMS and will oversee this venture. All teachers were trained in the app during professional development before school started. This was rolled out to students at the start of the year. We are still navigating the school store as we determine the “economy” of accumulated points and how to set “costs” in the school store based on the points.
- Lansing Middle School is putting Advisory Olympics in place this year. This will involve challenges between Advisories based on quarterly GPAs, as well as some attendance and behavior pieces. We are also looking to have some other competitions that would be fun for students and staff. This is an evolving project and we think it has potential to grow. Brandy Hamilton, Becky Wecas, and Brooks Jenkins have been working on this as part of the Advisory Committee.
To end, I would like to reiterate my excitement for the upcoming school year. It is truly a unique opportunity with education to have a new start each year. I look forward to working with you and your child!
PRIDE Recognition - PBIS Rewards
LMS Advisory Olympics
Championship Belt for Advisory Olympics
Parent Information - Provided at New Parent Orientation
The link below has information that was provided to parents at New Parent Orientation on Tuesday, August 6th. It is a good reference for all parents, not just new parents.
Advisory and Second Step
As mentioned before, LMS students had Advisory the first three days of school. Normally, Advisory meets every Thursday for a 45 minute block -- from 12:27-1:12. All LMS teachers have an Advisory class. This allows us to keep Advisory classes small -- around 13-17 students.
Advisory is a crucial component to Lansing Middle School and student success.
- At the start of each Advisory period, students work on GBA, which entails looking at grades, behavior, and attendance. Students use Skyward to track their current grades and attendance and teachers provide behavior information. Students then use this to write and monitor goals for improvement. Students also counsel with their classroom teacher to assess their goals.
- Advisory is also used to provide lessons from our Tier 1 behavior program, Second Step. A Tier 1 program means that all students are provided with it. "Second Step® Middle School helps early adolescents learn to cope with challenges, create and maintain positive relationships, and develop the mindset necessary for success in school and life." We will begin our first Second Step lesson on Thursday, September 12th.
- There are four units of study for Second Step. The first unit of study for all grades is titled - "Mindsets and Goals". The scope and sequence for Second Step is linked here --
- Initial parental information flyer and letter -
- Slideshow of Information about Second Step -
Finally, if for any reason a parent would like to opt their child out from Second Step lessons, please e-mail me at -
Additional Components of Advisory include -
- During January, students have dedicated time in Advisory over three sessions to work on the software program, Xello. Xello is an interactive program that allows students to better assess themselves in terms of current interests and helps them to better prepared to make future choices. From the Xello website, "students complete interactive career, personality, and learning style assessments to help them better understand their unique interests, skills, and strengths. Each engaging assessment encourages reflection, helping students connect who they are with relevant career options."
- Student-Led Conferences and preparation take place during Advisory and with the student's Advisory teacher. Student-led conferences are held in February.
BIST (Behavior Intervention Support Team)
- I can be OK even when others are not OK
- I can make good choices even if I am mad
- I can do something even though I don’t want to
Through this model, staff try to ensure that students are offered grace and accountability, which simply means it’s OK to make mistakes but there is a need to take responsibility for choices.
Terms you might hear with BIST include --
- Safe Seat and Buddy Room – these are alternate locations intended to provide another opportunity for student to change behavior
- Processing – this entails talking through what happened with the teacher or adult
This link gives more information about BIST -
Additionally, this article appeared on the USD 469 website on August 26th as part of the "Did You Know?" series ---
Subject Area Information - Provided by LMS Teachers
6th Grade Language Arts – Kathy Baughman, Lisa Rockhold, Rachel Szmed
Sixth grade language arts classes are starting the year writing personal narratives. Students choose an event that was important in their lives to write about. They participated in a variety of pre-writing activities before typing and revising their narratives. We will continue narrative writing by creating mystery stories based on the picture book The Mysteries of Harris Burdick later in October. (W.6.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. W.6.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.)
Throughout the semester, all language arts classes work on Greek and Latin roots, do journaling exercises, and a daily editing practice. Lessons include opportunities to work together when practicing new concepts. (SL.6.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.)
6th Grade Literature – Kathy Baughman, Cheryl Borgeson, Alisha Holyfield, Josie Nelson, Lisa Rockhold, Connor Scott, Rachel Szmed, Amanda Thomas, Lilly Webster
Literature classes in 6th grade are off and running. All classes have been through library orientation and have been introduced to Study Sync – our online textbook. We have learned and practiced the “RACE” strategy in order to work on answering questions using the text to support opinions and ideas. This will be used consistently throughout the year. Reading strategies will be reviewed and strengthened through fiction and nonfiction passages and stories focusing on “main idea and details.” (RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RI.6.2 Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.)
6th Grade Math – Josie Nelson, Connor Scott
Both sixth grade math classes have started the year learning about integers, writing inequalities, and understanding the meaning of absolute value. Students are using number lines to visualize the value of each integer and grasping the meaning of its distance from the central base of 0. We will continue to build on this knowledge of integers all throughout the year and extend our knowledge to rational numbers and discover how to apply previous knowledge to different types of numbers.
6th Grade Science – Alisha Holyfield, Amanda Thomas
Our first unit of the year is Variables and Designs. Students will begin the year comparing the work of scientists and engineers. Students are designing a controlled experiment with paper airplanes and drawing conclusions about the relationships between variables. At the end of our unit, students will learn how to gather information that will help them define a real-life engineering problem.
6th Grade Social Studies – Cheryl Borgeson, Lilly Webster
In Social Studies we began the year by working on latitude, longitude, map features and reviewing the continents and oceans. As we prepare to dig into our content, students will learn how to think like a historian. We will build on those critical thinking skills throughout the year. In September we will begin studying the first chapter in our textbook. We will be working on reading strategies of a non-fiction text, comparing and contrasting, reading a timeline, and many other skills. Students will recognize archaeological evidence that shows how human life and societies developed new skills in order to survive. They will also draw conclusions about migration and adaptation of early societies. We will work on identifying and explaining how agriculture and the development of tools contributed to the creation of civilizations. (Standard 4: Societies experience continuity and change over time)
7th Grade Language Arts – Mindy Brinker, Brandy Hamilton
We hit the ground running in 7th grade language arts classes. During August, students demonstrated some self-reflection and excellent word choice both when writing Biopoems as well as when deciding on personal “Walk Up Songs” and explaining why the song represented them. We also touched briefly on informational writing when composing a paragraph describing or explaining some aspect of Lansing Middle School. It’s been a great start to the year!
7th Grade Literature – Charity Briggs, Tracey Carney-Linn, Tom Cretors, Katie Larson, Brandy Hamilton, Angie Trowbridge
Seventh-grade students started the year off by reviewing story elements and plot diagrams. They are reading the short story, “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto and an excerpt from Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. In September, students will continue to read short stories and focus on story elements, especially plot and character development. The Literature Plus classes will begin reading The Call of the Wild.
7th Grade Math – Denise Dixon, Theresa Fields, Theresa Jones
Seventh grade math is off to a great start. Students completed their Fall Fastbridge test the first week of school. This was helpful to get new students placed appropriately into their correct math courses and tier supports. Fortunately, we only had to make a few adjustments and were able to place them before we delved too deeply into their curriculum.
Math 1 will be complete with the first two modules in Unit 1 the first week of September, which covers operations with integers. Students will take their CFA on Integer Operations after Module 2 is complete. Reteaching and retesting should be completed by the end of September. Students will begin working on Module 3 in Unit 1 the 2nd week of September and this should take most of the first quarter to complete. We are hopeful we can begin Unit 2 before the quarter ends, but it will continue into the 2nd quarter.
Math 2 is only one lesson ahead of Math 1, but we should be able to pick up the pace and have rational numbers finished so they can begin unit 2 and hopefully have it complete by the end of the 1st quarter.
7th Grade Science – Stacey Jenkins, Angie Trowbridge
In 7th grade Life Science, students began by taking a pre-test to help guide the instruction through the year. They are currently learning about the characteristics of living things, differentiating between living and non-living things to clear up some misconceptions that are common at this age. They will soon be doing and reading about some basic science experiments, identifying variables, and graphing data. This will be followed by studying classification of living things to include scientific names, how they are written and why they are important.
7th Grade Social Studies – Tom Cretors, Edward Fenton
In 7th grade Social Studies, we have just started our 1st Unit on Kansas History. We begin the unit with understanding the location of Kansas while identifying and describing the physical regions of our state. We end the unit discussing the climate of Kansas and explaining how Kansas was a crossroads for the movement of people, products, and ideas.
8th Grade Language Arts – Julie Price, Lauren Shields, Stacey Ward
As part of their coursework, students were tasked with composing a final essay that examines how two of their stories they’ve read share and employ suspense in their storytelling. This assignment encourages students to delve into the mechanics of suspense in literate, exploring ways authors engage their audience emotionally and sustain their interests as they turn pages to uncover the stories’ outcomes. The students are currently working on grammar concepts and reading short stories that go along with the Suspense Unit.
8th Grade Literature – Dana Blew, Hollie Becker, Shari Jacobs, Julie Price, Stacey Ward
In the study of literature, suspense is a powerful tool used by authors to grip readers’ attention, fostering anticipation and excitement. It introduces a feeling of tension and unpredictability, compelling readers to eagerly uncover what unfolds next. Authors employ various techniques to cultivate suspense, such as manipulating point of view, leveraging conflicts between characters, utilizing dramatic irony, and strategically employing the setting to heighten the narrative’s impact. The students are currently reading short stories and novellas, Ten Days in a Madhouse or Lord of the Flies that go along with the Suspense Unit.
8th Grade Math – Miranda Cote, Theresa Jones, Penny Wagner
All 8th grade math classes are taking the FastBridge FastTrack Math and CMBmathCAP tests on Thursday, August 29th and Friday, August 30th.
Math 1 & 2: We are reviewing 7th grade concepts that lay the foundation for 8th grade material - integer operations, order of operations and simplifying basic algebraic expressions. We are calling this Unit 0 and the quiz will be next Friday, September 6th. We will then move to Unit 1 and work with rational numbers, including Scientific Notation.
Algebra: We have wrapped up Module 7 with integer operations and solving simple algebraic equations and the quiz will be next week. We are then moving to Unit 1 of Algebra with a focus on more complex equations.
8th Grade Physical Science – Josh Yoakam
Students began the year reviewing safety rules in the physical science classroom. Students worked in groups to develop multimedia presentations for two safety rules. This offered an opportunity to do some community building and establish classroom culture. We began discussing the nature of science, recalling scientific investigation terms from life science. Students will be practicing applying these terms designing their own experiments. We will begin to review scientific measurements and use of SI units in communicating scientific data.
8th Grade Science – Hollie Becker, Jennifer Fraser
Eighth grade science classes are off to a great start! We have focused on procedures and expectations to start, along with building classroom communities. We are now reviewing the scientific method, measurement, and key science vocabulary. We will begin our study of the Earth, Moon and Sun, and Planetary Science. Students will develop a thorough understanding of the local cosmos, including the organization of the solar system and day/night/seasons and the hunt for exoplanets. In addition, students will use satellite images to analyze changes to Earth’s systems and draw conclusions about human impact upon Earth’s systems. Finally, we hope to have our classes participate in the NASA Virtual Career Presentation, which gives everyone a chance to see how their interests could relate to a possible career at NASA.
8th Grade Social Studies – Dana Blew, Sadie Roubinek
8th Grade Social Studies began the school year by reviewing the Declaration of Independence. Our lessons discussed the reasons/grievances for the American Colonists desire to be free and independent. After the review, we read/discussed the first form of government approved by the colonists, the Articles of Confederation. We learned about the weaknesses of the Articles and one of the events that showed some specific failures of the new government, Shay’s Rebellion. We are finishing up Chapter 7: Creating the Constitution. We are studying the “compromises” that we accepted for our states to become a nation. After our Chapter 7 test we will begin a unit that looks a little deeper into our Constitution, and the specifics on how it is supposed to work.
Advanced Studies – Josh Yoakam
Incoming sixth grade students and those new to the district started their year with a writing assignment: What Gifted Means to Me. The assignment is meant to be a reflective piece and allows me the opportunity to gain insight into what their experiences have been to this point. I am also able to learn about their writing capability and organization. Existing advanced studies students began their year with an Odyssey of the Mind challenge. Students in 6th will be learning about project planning and organization used for individual and small group projects. Students in 7th, and 8th grade advanced studies classes will be resuming or beginning new projects. Students in all grades will be exploring and examining issues related to the upcoming election. This will involve learning more about the electoral college and developing arguments for both maintaining the college and for shifting to use of the popular vote. Students will also need to develop an argument for whether any changes should be made to who should be allowed to vote (age changes and what role capability/capacity should play).
Art – Emily Bucher
Here's what's happening in the art room!
All grades welcomed back to school and art class!
6th grade – Students welcomed into art class! Supplies and procedures were covered the first week of school and all students created either a front and back bookmark design or a skateboard design in which they could use throughout the school year to encourage more reading time. Recently, students finished watching "Cave of Forgotten Dreams", a documentary on the famous Chauvet cave in France, while taking notes and drawing animals appearing in the movie. Then, each student created their own cave inspired oil pastel drawing using glue and a limited colors inspired by earth tones and ancient cave drawings. Cave art hands were also created for student enrichment and extra credit. Currently, students are learning about John James Audubon and creating bird drawings and cut construction paper collages on a species that is interesting to them. Sixth grade also worked on a "Ketch-up" drawing challenge, featuring various prompts, in between these two major projects.
7th grade – Students welcomed into art class! Supplies and procedures were covered the first week of school and all students created either a front and back bookmark design or a skateboard design in which they could use throughout the school year to encourage more reading time. Students created personalized first names that featured an illustration of a central theme or personal interests. Then, "Stretched Out" characters were created on long, tall paper in which students were asked to fill paper fully with their creation, in hopes to encourage and jump start creativity and problem solving. Currently, students are working on a Peace Poster Contest sponsored by the Lansing chapter of the International Lions Club. There will be a small awards ceremony tentatively on Friday, November 8th to distribute prizes and recognize those student winners.
8th grade – Students welcomed into art class! Supplies and procedures were covered the first week of school and all students created either a front and back bookmark design or a skateboard design in which they could use throughout the school year to encourage more reading time. Students began the semester lettering their name inspired by graffiti style font and artwork. Students could also include an illustration or image in addition to their first name. "Street smart" drawing challenge was also distributed for enrichment and extra credit. Currently, students are creating a motif drawing inspired by the life and work of Giuseppe Archimboldo, an artist working in the Renaissance and student of Leonardo da Vinci. The motif given is a No. 2 wooden pencil and students are creating an animal illustration from this theme and concept of repetition. Students are also incorporating use of value or darks and lights throughout their drawing.
9th hour art enrichment – We will be starting in early September!
Band – Aaron Edwards
The LMS bands has had a great return to school. The 8th grade band is preparing for their performance with the HS Marching Lions on September 6th. The 7th grade band has begun playing and have not lost much from the summer. This year we have 76 beginning band members. The beginning band will start playing instruments on September 3rd.
Choir – Josiah Ketterman
All Choirs are off to a great start at LMS. Students in all classes are reviewing some basic music theory as well as starting on their music for their fall concert, October 7th.
Students also have been learning several warmup songs, some of which are audition pieces. “My Country Tis of Thee” is being used for the Sound FX audition and “Dona Nobis Pacem” is being used for the Middle Level All-State Choir audition. Students have also learned the vocal round “I Love the Mountains” and analyzed it with solfege.
This year, LMS Choirs has a new webpage, check out to get up-to-date information on all things choir at LMS. This can be accessed through the district website as well by going to: schools - lansing middle school 6-8 - activities and “choir”.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Stephanie Ogden
6th Grade has taken part in a Career Exploration interest survey and then learned about Hospitality and Tourism. They created tour guide brochures about Kansas City attractions and presented them to the class. This week they are learning about the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences path. Each week they will learn nine different career pathways to gain more information about each one.
7th Grade has been busy in the FACS Lab researching nutritional facts about their favorite drinks, learned knife skills, as well as kitchen and food safety. Last week 7th grade picked fresh tomatoes from the Science Garden and learned to make fresh salsa. This week they have learned more content about the importance of measuring, reading recipes and will be making mug cakes.
8th Grade has been very busy with Business and Marketing tasks. They have created a grade level business plan, written formal letters, addressed envelopes, filled out job applications, practiced job interviews, learned about professionalism in the workplace and employability skills. This week we have been diving into advertising and marketing.
PE – Jennifer Bishop, Jon Bishop
The year has started off positively with new Physical Education competencies from KSDE. Jennifer Bishop, one of the PE teachers, attended the zoom meeting over the summer to learn about these new competencies and incorporate them into the current curriculum. All new competencies were already being taught and practiced at Lansing Middle School and that will continue. The year is starting off with the boys completing their baseline mile with the girls likely performing that next week when the heat index is lower. Both boys and girls PE will perform their sit up and pushup baseline testing this week and routine has already begun with fitness days and skill work this year. We are looking forward to a great year of health and wellness!
Spanish – Regan Gatson
6th grade is starting their comic strip project, where they make a comic using the greetings and goodbyes we’ve learned in class. After that, they will learn the days and months.
7th and 8th Grade have been studying greetings and goodbyes as well, and will soon learn about the days, months, and numbers. After that, they will learn about the weather. Every day, we practice talking about the date and weather that I write on the board; soon they will be able to describe and discuss their own environments better in Spanish.
Technology – Ron Averill
Technology classes have gotten off to a great start for this semester. We have worked our way through orientation and are beginning to work in the modules where the students will experience different areas of technologies as they are applied in various Expeditions of study. Hopefully, this will give them a direction that they want to follow as they pursue their educational experiences in high school.
Student Accolades and Classroom Spotlights
- Lansing Middle School is pleased to announce honor roll recipients for the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year. There are three honor rolls at LMS -- Lion's Honor Roll recognizes students with a 4.0 GPA (all A's), Red Honor Roll recognizes students with a GPA between 3.50 to 3.99, White Honor Roll recognizes students with a GPA between 3.0 and 3.49. Congratulations to these students!
- From August 22, 2024 – “This week's academic spotlight shines on Lansing Middle School 8th Grade Math teacher Miranda Cote and her innovative approach to building teamwork and resilience in the classroom.”
- Alisha Holyfield, 6th Grade Science and Literature Teacher, was chosen for the first USD 469 Employee Spotlight –
- LMS will have four teachers attend the Math Teacher Cadre – Theresa Fields, Mirando Cote, Penny Wagner, and Dee Wiley. We will also have four teachers attend the Literacy Learners Cadre – Charity Briggs, Brandy Hamilton, Shari Jacobs, and Tracey Carney-Linn. These cadres meet monthly and are through Greenbush. Finally, Mindy Brinker and Tom Cretors will attend the Teacher Leadership Academy through Greenbush. It also meets monthly. We are excited about these opportunities offered to us through Greenbush!
Mrs. Cote's Cup Challenge
Mrs. Cote's Cup Challenge
Alisha Holyfield, 6th Grade Science and Literature Teacher
Site Council Members Needed for 2024-2025
Lansing Middle School has several open positions for Site Council membership for this school year. The LMS Site Council is made up of parents, teachers, and LMS administration. Meetings for the Site Council are held monthly at 3:45 PM and usually last until about 5:00 PM. The Site Council is provided information about important items at the school and acts as an advisory group. Additionally, the Site Council sets goals and plans activities to achieve the goals. Some events that the LMS Site Council is responsible for include – New Parent Orientation, Principal Round Table, Teacher Appreciation, Fine Arts Fair, and 8th Grade Celebration. It is expected that members of the Site Council serve on committees to ensure that these events are successful.
If you are interested in serving on the LMS Site Council, please fill out the application questions on this link – by Wednesday, September 11th. The first meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th.
Substitute Teachers and Paraeducators Needed at LMS
Additionally, Lansing Middle School has several paraeducator vacancies. Paraeducators work with students that receive special education services.
Lansing Middle School is a great place to work. These positions are an integral part of LMS. We are looking for dedicated individuals that would like to make a difference in the lives of adolescents.
The link below has information about employment, including how to apply for a paraeducator opening can be found at -
Upcoming Events for LMS
- September 5th – LMS Cross-Country @ Wyandotte County Park
- September 5th – LMS Volleyball vs Basehor-Linwood - 7th @ Home, 8th @ Basehor-Linwood
- September 5th – LMS Football vs Piper - 7th @ Piper, 8th @ Home
- September 7th – LMS Volleyball - 8th Grade Tournament @ Mill Valley High School
- September 10th – LMS Football vs Mill Creek – 7th @ Home, 8th @ Mill Creek
- September 10th – LMS Volleyball vs Trail Ridge – 7th @ Trail Ridge, 8th @ Home
- September 12th – LMS Volleyball vs Lexington Trails - 7th @ Home, 8th @ Lexington Trails
- September 17th – LMS Football vs Monticello Trails – 7th @ Monticello, 8th @ Home
- September 17th – LMS Volleyball vs Monticello Trails - 7th @ Home, 8th @ Monticello
- September 19th – LMS Cross-Country @ Wellsville
- September 19th – LMS Volleyball vs Mill Creek - 7th @ Mill Creek, 8th @ Home
- September 21st – LMS Volleyball – 8th Grade Tournament @ Turner High School
- September 24th – LMS Football vs Basehor-Linwood – 7th @ Home, 8th @ Basehor
- September 24th – LMS Volleyball vs Pioneer Ridge – 7th @ Pioneer Ridge, 8th @ Home
- September 25th – LMS Cross-Country @ Tonganoxie Middle School
- September 26th – LMS Volleyball vs Leavenworth Warren - 7th @ Home, 8th @ Warren
- October 1st – LMS Football vs Leavenworth Warren – 7th @ Warren, 8th @ Lansing High
- October 1st – LMS Volleyball vs Turner - 7th @ Turner, 8th @ Home
- October 2nd – LMS Volleyball vs Piper – 7th @ Home, 8th @ Piper
- October 3rd – LMS Cross-Country @ Zarda Farm
- October 7th – LMS Choir Concert – 7:00 PM @ District Auditorium
- October 8th – LMS Football vs Topeka Saints – 7th and 8th @ Lansing
- October 8th – LMS Volleyball vs Wheatridge – 7th @ Wheatridge, 8th @ Home
- October 9th – LMS Volleyball – KVL Volleyball Tournament – 7th @ Piper, 8th @ Basehor
- October 12th – LMS Volleyball – KVL Volleyball Tournament – 7th @ Piper, 8th @ Basehor
- October 15th – LMS Cross-Country – KVL Cross-Country League Meet @ Wyandotte County Park
- October 15th – LMS Football vs TBD, 7th @ TBD, 8th @ TBD
Lansing High School - Spectator Information
Our first home football game is this Friday night. We will continue to have the policy that elementary and middle school age students cannot enter without an adult. There is an update to the expectations to include that elementary and middle students should sit with the adult. We will not have a middle school section or a paid worker to supervise that area. While this announcement is specific to football, the rule will be in place for all events.
We're excited for the community to come out and support our band, cheerleaders, and teams on game nights. We have a few reminders for home games:
- All elementary and middle school students enter the game with an adult and sit with that adult throughout the game. Please do not drop your child off at a district event without supervision as they will not be allowed to enter.
- Student performances are the focus of the event. No one should be on the practice football field, soccer fields, or other areas away from the stadium.
- Please do not bring balls, frisbees, or other items to the game.
- Students cannot enter the stadium from the tailgate area.
- Spectators who are disruptive will be asked to leave.
Lansing USD 469 Strategic Plan for 2023-2028
"Lansing USD469 is thrilled to announce that our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan was passed unanimously during the April 10th board meeting. Thank you to our volunteers made of community members, staff, and students who served on this important committee and provided feedback to form this plan. Thank you also to our Lansing USD469 board members who served on the committee and voted to make it a reality. The Strategic Plan aims to achieve action steps that ensure our district can meet the needs of its students, staff, and community for years to come.
Our administrators and district leadership staff are excited to start on action items this plan sets forth. We will provide monthly updates about our progress and look forward to embarking on this journey together to make Lansing the best district in Kansas."
About Lansing Middle School
Kerry Wixon, Vice Principal
Emerald Peters, Counselor
Becky Wecas, Social Worker
Location: 220 Lion Lane, Lansing, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 727-1197